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Bachelor of Arts in Theatre

The Bachelor of Arts in Theatre is a three-year course that focuses on preparing the body as a narrative tool and developing performance techniques to train versatile and autonomous artists in Physical Theatre. During training, students gain practical experience and theoretical knowledge through regular courses, intensive teaching modules (in-depth study of specific topics), and productions that are presented in Switzerland and abroad.


Title released

Bachelor of Arts in Theatre


6 semesters - Full Time


180 ETCS


Check the dates for the pre-exams

Semester Start

August 2024

Annual fee

CHF 5'300






Head of Artistic and Basic Training
Anna Gromanova


Basic training administrative assistant

Silviana Vogt


Admission procedure

Step 1 - Application for registration

Applicants must submit the application form below,  attaching the requested documentation.


An application fee of CHF 50.- is required on the day of the pre-examination, payable in cash.

Preliminary exams

Entrance exams

12-14.05.2024 at the Accademia Dimitri

Discover the teachers

The teachers of the Bachelor at the Accademia Dimitri experts in various performing arts, from pantomime to theatrical improvisation, acrobatics and dance. With a multidisciplinary approach, guide students toward artistic and creative excellence.

Discover the productions

The productions of Bachelor's students at the Accademia Dimitri offer an eclectic mix of talent and creativity, ranging from pantomime to improvisational theater. They are an expression of the multidisciplinary training and artistic innovation that characterize the academy.

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