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Bachelor Teachers

Alessandro La Rocca

Music Teacher

Anna Gromanová

Head of Basic Education - Ba & Ma Professor for Artistic Development and Physical Theatre Education

Demis Quadri

Professor of Research and Teaching in Physical Theatre, Head of Research & Services, Professor of theory and history of theatre

Luisa Braga

Pantomime Teacher and Stylization of theater without words, Dance Teacher

Raissa Avilés

Voice Teacher

Alexei Ivanov

Acrobatics Teacher

Colette Roy

Teacher in construction and masks

Emmanuel Pouilly

Teacher of Entrées clownesques and Clownerie creation

Mathieu Horeau

Lecturer / Researcher

Raúl Vargas Torres

Head of Specialization Physical Theatre
Professor of Movement and Acting

Andrea Herdeg

Dance Teacher

Daniel Bausch

Head of Continuing Education, Teacher of theatrical improvisation

Giampaolo Gotti

Teacher of theatrical improvisation

Nancy Fürst

Teacher of Movement Dramatization and Theatre without words

Stephanie Metzner

Teacher of artistic make-up and costume history

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