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Spettacolo Teatrale Falling

Daniel Bausch

Head of Continuing Education, Teacher of theatrical improvisation

After graduating from the Accademia Teatro Dimitri, he passed the acting exam at the Zentralstelle für Bühnen- und Fernsehberufe institute in Germany. He also trained in the Feldenkrais method.
He has worked as an actor in several theatres throughout Europe: he has been on a world tour for five years with the tour company Ton und Kirschen Wandertheater, in Berlin he has worked with the Berliner Ensemble and at the Deutsche Oper, especially with the director Achim Freyer. He acted at the Teatro Stabile in Brescia under the direction of the Italian director Cesare Lievi. He has also made numerous performances of musical plays in collaboration with the University of Music of Lugano. For the 2014/15 season he was responsible for the programming of the Teatro Dimitri. From 2016 he became responsible for Advanced Studies He teaches Improvisation at the 1st year Bachelor.

Docente di musica Alessandro La Rocca
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