Giampaolo Gotti
Teacher of theatrical improvisation
Director, actor, trainer, theorist, and theatre translator. Starting from his master’s degree at the GITIS, Russian Theatre Academy in Moscow, he has collaborated on various projects with his masters Anatoli Vassiliev and Jurij Alschitz.
His artistic adventure has been described in Kokolampoe, un théâtre école plurilingue dans les Guyanes, by Pierre Chambert, L'Entretemps, Montpellier 2015, while his personal pedagogical approach finds some recent synthesis in: Philosophies du jeu n ơ. 313 of the magazine Études de lettres, 2020 ; Socrates does not go to the square, La Meridiana, Barletta, 2020; La direction d'acteurs peut-elle s s apprendre ? , Les Solitaires Intempestifs, Besançon, 2015 ; Théâtre Contemporain Orient-Occident, L'Entretemps, Montpellier, 2012. He directed the dossier Anatoli Vassiliev : Tradition, Pédagogie, Utopie, n. 182 of the magazine Théâtre/Public.
After obtaining the French State Diploma in Theatre Teaching, he joined the pedagogical team of the École Nationale Superieure des Arts et Technique du Théâtre (ENSATT) in Lyon and taught at the Université Paris 8, the University of Evry, and the Acting International and L'École du jeu schools. He spoke at the World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT in Berlin, at the Centre dramatique de Guyane, the Conservatory of Reunion, the École International de Théâtre du Bénin.
He translated into French various works by Giovanni Testori, awarded by the Maison Antoine Vitez, while Gabbathà, one of his last shows, received the Premio Teatri del sacro 2015. Since 2016 he has taught improvisation at the Accademia Dimitri.