Agosto 28.08.2020 20.30 Teatro Dimitri, Verscio 29.08.2020 20.30 Teatro Dimitri, Verscio 30.08.2020 18.00 Teatro Dimitri, Verscio Settembre 03.09.2020 20.30 Teatro Dimitri, Verscio 05.09.2020 20.00 Station Circus, Basel 11.09.2020 20.30 Teatro Dimitri, Verscio 12.09.2020 18.00 Teatro Dimitri, Verscio 17.09.2020 20.00 Theater am Käfigturm, Bern 19.09.2020 20.30 Teatro Dimitri, Verscio 20.09.2020 18.00 Théâtre WAOUW, Aigle Prevendita per Verscio: Prevendita e prenotazioni: +41 58 666 67 85 da lunedì a venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 o tramite e-mail a info@teatrodimitri.ch Prevendita per Basilea: +41 58 666 67 50 da lunedì a venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 o tramite e-mail a accademiadimitri@supsi.ch Prevendita per Berna: www.theater-am-kaefigturm.ch Prevendita per Aigle: www.waouw.ch
Omnia tempus habent
Directed by Borbala Blasko

The Physical Theatre show, directed and choreographed by Borbala Blasko, is inspired by the third chapter of Ecclesiastes, an Old Testament text that explores the themes of vanity and mortality. The work combines musical elements, including the "4 Seasons of Vivaldi" and a Hungarian folk song, to immerse the viewer in a deep reflection on the transitory nature of existence. Thanks to visually engaging sets, the audience is invited to see themselves in a "mirror" where the reflection becomes reflection.
The staff involved includes:
Direction and choreography: Borbala Blasko
Music: Alessandro La Rocca (arrangement)
Light: Christoph Siegenthaler
Makeup and costume design: Stephanie Metzner