The simulated patient
Collaboration with the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in the context of the "Simulated Patients Program."

The Accademia Dimitri has entered into a collaboration with the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Lugano (USI) as part of the "Simulated Patient Program," a project that is part of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) practical clinical examinations that USI Master of Medicine students must take at the end of each semester of study.
Who is the simulated patient? He or she is a person who takes on the role of a patient in USI medical students' practical examinations.
What does the simulated patient do? Plays the role of a patient defined by the exam case.
What does the simulated patient not do? He or she is never subjected to clinical examinations in the private parts or to invasive maneuvers or acts.
What characteristics are necessary to become a simulated patient? Reliability, responsibility, commitment and bilingualism (I/D). You also need some basic acting skills (as well as enthusiasm and availability), which Academy trainers regularly provide to volunteers who volunteer to play this role.