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Görrissen Charlotte

Master 2022-2024

Date of birth: 25.08.1994

Place: Flensburg

Nationality: Germany

Languages: German, English, French

She found her path through movement, new circus, working with objects, dance, puppetry, theatre, and performance, which led her to pursue a Master in Physical Theatre. Prior to this, she studied Philosophy and German Philology in Göttingen, Germany, and worked as a freelancer, performer, puppeteer, and circus teacher. She has directed several circus projects and, with the artistic theatre company KOMMODE, created numerous duo and solo performances. In her quest to escape the fast pace of contemporary theatre, she refers to her approach as “slow theatre.” She currently lives with her family in the countryside near Millau, France.

Spettacolo Teatrale Accademia Dimitri
Amelie Ruegsegger
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