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Mathi Le Coultre

Year Robinia

From the age of six, Mathi Le Coultre trained in ballet and modern jazz at the Geneva amateur school Studio Flay Ballet.
During her teenage years, she also participated in various amateur creations, for example during the Cartes Blanches programme of the Geneva Parfumerie, or for a Cirquenbulle circus gala. During her Matura work, Mathi decided to pursue professional theatre training and turned to the Accademia Dimitri. He has since participated in a creation with performance musician Trond Reinholdstein at the Rümlingen Festival.
Together with a classmate, she won grants from the UChange platform to develop their project; the creation of an arts festival for sustainable development.

Spettacolo Teatrale Accademia Dimitri
Amelie Ruegsegger
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