The Area TeatroEducation of the Accademia Teatro Dimitri was founded in 2002. Conceived and developed by actors of movement theater has always maintained its deep roots in the art of making theater. The Area deals with conceiving, activating and implementing projects and practices related to the theater as an educational resource.
A pioneering and many years of experience in the area has allowed to develop and give life to a wide range of workshops, laboratory and theater performances to be offered at school or at the Accademia Teatro Dimitri.
Our training proposals place students and teachers at the center of each project and enhance sensitivity, skills and skills in practice that offer the opportunity to experience the potential of the interweaving of body, mind and emotion.

Our offers
The TheatreEducation projects are integrated into the school programmes. They are shaped through coordinated and carefully structured activities, developing topics of relevance both for the school curriculum and for the lives of children, students and teachers. The work can come to life in the form of workshops or laboratory, or explore the approach to the creation and realization of a staging. The modalities, style and duration of the routes vary depending on the subject and age group.
The offer is aimed at children, teenagers and teachers of public and private schools.
Head of Artistic and Basic Training
Anna Gromanova
Basic training Administrative assistants
Silviana Vogt